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Showing posts from April, 2014

VTC/USD, VTC/EUR and VTC/GBP Python Script

You may  want download the file here:  import urllib2 import json import time import pandas as pd from pandas import Series , DataFrame from urllib2 import URLError import ystockquote # Accessing VTC/BTC price from Cryptsy def vtcbtc (): try : raw = urllib2 . urlopen ( "" ) . read () dictionary = json . loads ( raw ) #BID bidraw = dictionary [ 'return' ][ 'VTC' ][ 'buyorders' ] newformatb = pd . DataFrame ( bidraw ) newnameb = newformatb . rename ( columns = { 'price' : 'BID' }) global finalbid1 finalbid1 = newnameb [ 0 : 1 ] except URLError , error : print error #BTC/USD price from BTC-e def btcusd (): btcePrices = urllib2 . urlopen ( "h

How To Find A Website's IP via command line

The command we will be using is nslookup . For example: nslookup This will return Non-authoritative answer:    canonical name = Name: Address: