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Showing posts from July, 2014

How To Install Mate On Debian Wheezy

Mate is forked from the unmaintained code base of GNOME 2 and has become quite popular. To install it on your debian wheezy, the following steps are required. sudo su   add-apt-repository  'deb wheezy main'    apt-get update   apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install mate-archive-keyring   apt-get update   Install MATE core, the MATE desktop environment and the extras. sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-extra  

How To Disable Window Animation In Gnome Classic

This is a rather annoying "feature". Simply disable it by typing the following in a terminal. gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations false  

mmal: mmal_vc_component_enable: failed to enable component: ENOSPC

This is a nasty bug with the Raspberry Pi camera module, which has not been resolved. Although I cannot guarantee that my solution will work for you, it fortunately did the trick for me. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   sudo rpi-update   Make sure your  /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf looks like this. sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf   # blacklist spi and i2c by default (many users don't need them) #blacklist spi-bcm2708 blacklist i2c-bcm2708 My /etc/modules config sudo nano /etc/modules  # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time. # # This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded # at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored. # Parameters can be specified after the module name. w1-gpio pullup=1 w1-therm i2c-bcm2708 i2c-dev spi-bcm2708 snd-bcm2835 lirc_dev lirc_rpi gpio_out_pin=7 Test sudo reboot   raspistill -v -o imag

Raspberry Pi As A Radio Transmitter

First thing you have to do is attach a jumper wire to GPIO 4. That's it for the hardware part. The Software The Code that does the job is called Pifm by . wget   tar -xvf Pifm.tar.gz   Start Broadcasting sudo ./pifm sound.wav 100.5   - sound.wav - the audio file which you would like to broadcast. only .wav will work. - 100.5 - the FM frequency. usually between 87.5 and 108.0 MHz.

[FIX] Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 5289

Couldn't get my SD card reader to work. This is what I had to do. wget tar jxf rts_bpp.tar.bz2 cd rts_bpp/ Open the driver file “rtsx.c” and remove all instances of the string  “__devinit” “__devexit” and “__devexit_p” from it. make sudo make install sudo depmod sudo modprobe rts_bpp Put in your SD card. It should be automatically mounted.

How To Enable USB Debugging On The Nexus 7

Step 1 - Enable "Developer Options" Go into "About device" in Settings and tap on the "Build number" entry seven times. This will unlock "Developer Options". Step 2 - Enable "USB Debugging" Go into "Developer Options" and select "USB debugging" from the list of options.