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Showing posts from 2013

YouTube to mp3 Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Debian)

This guide will show you how to easily convert YouTube Videos to MP3 on Ubuntu or Debian. youtube-dl   is a Linux command-line tool for downloading/converting videos. The tool supports YouTube and many other websites such as BBC. For Ubuntu systems (or systems that are based on it such as Linux Mint) sudo apt-get install youtube-dl For Debian sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl Also, make sure ffmpeg is installed sudo apt-get install ffmpeg Before you do anything, update to the latest version of youtube-dl sudo youtube-dl -U Once it is installed use the following command to convert YouTube videos to mp3 youtube-dl --extract-audio  --audio-format mp3  <youtube-link> If you want  an overview of all the different options youtube-dl --help Supported sites as of March, 2014 3sat 4tube 5min 8tracks 9gag AcademicEarth:Course AddAnime Af

How to turn off animations in Linux Mint (Mate)

UPDATE: Check bottom of page. If you find them as annoying as me, follow the steps: ALT + F2 mateconf-editor Go to desktop - mate - interface Look for enable_animations and uncheck. Done. Update Jan 2014 Mateconf-editor has been replaced. sudo apt-get install dconf-tools dconf-tools Update July 2015 Open terminal sudo dconf-editor Org/mate/desktop/interface and uncheck enable_animations . and org/mate/marco/general and check   reduced_resources.

TrueCrypt is already running - Ubuntu 12.1

Hi! Encountered the following problem today: When I wanted to open truecrypt I got the following error message: " truecrypt is already running ". Solution Most likely you did not  close the application "cleanly" the last time you were using it. Now there is a lock file in you home directory. Ok, open your home directory. Press CTRL + H (this will show the hidden files). Now, there should be a file called TrueCrypt-lock-USERNAME. -DELETE IT. Everything should be fine again.

Deep Web Link List (.onion)

Please find a collection of .onion links below. You need to install Tor Browser from to be able to access the links. Quick tutorial on how to host and run your own Linux server: i.e. hidden service. First download whonix workstation + gateway. on the whonix gateway sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc make sure to have the following 2 lines in the file HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/ HiddenServicePort 80 restart tor sudo service tor reload get your hidden .onion url sudo nano /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname now on the workstation. lighttpd is an open-source web server.  sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lighttpd Done.