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How To Geolocate an IP Address with Python

Python 2.7.3

In order to geolocate an IP address with Python you will need a database to match an IP to a location. I am using the Maxmind database, which is available for free.
gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
Next, we install the Pure Python API for Maxmind's GeoIP databases (
sudo pip install pygeoip
import pygeoip
rawdata = pygeoip.GeoIP('/home/user/GeoLiteCity.dat')
def ipquery(ip):
    data = rawdata.record_by_name(ip)
    country = data['country_name']
    city = data['city']
    longi = data['longitude']
    lat = data['latitude']
    print '[x] '+str(city)+',' +str(country)
    print '[x] Latitude: '+str(lat)+ ', Longitude: '+ str(longi)
Running the code
How To Geolocate an IP with Python

UPDATE - PYTHON 3 (Ubuntu 16.04)

sudo pip3 install pygeoip
Download Maxmind location-data
user@user:~$ cd Desktop
user@user:~/Desktop$ mkdir geolocate
user@user:~/Desktop$ cd geolocate
user@user:~/Desktop/geolocate$ wget
user@user:~/Desktop/geolocate$ gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz

Code (save as in folder geolocate)

import pygeoip
rawdata = pygeoip.GeoIP('/home/user/Desktop/geolocate/GeoLiteCity.dat')
def ipquery(ip):
    data = rawdata.record_by_name(ip)
    country = data['country_name']
    city = data['city']
    longi = data['longitude']
    lat = data['latitude']
    print ('[x] '+str(city)+',' +str(country))
    print ('[x] Latitude: '+str(lat)+ ', Longitude: '+ str(longi))


ip = input("What's your ip? ")
print (ipquery(ip))

Run the code

user@user:~/Desktop/geolocate$ python3
What's your ip?
[x] New York,United States
[x] Latitude: 40.7449, Longitude: -73.9782


  1. Groovy! Except for OSX I had to say:

    cd /usr/local/
    sudo curl -O
    sudo gunzip /usr/local/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz

    sudo pip install pygeoip

    import pygeoip
    rawdata = pygeoip.GeoIP('/usr/local/GeoLiteCity.dat')

    def ipquery(ip):
    data = rawdata.record_by_name(ip)
    country = data['country_name']
    city = data['city']
    longi = data['longitude']
    lat = data['latitude']
    print '[x] '+str(city)+',' +str(country)
    print '[x] Latitude: '+str(lat)+ ', Longitude: '+ str(longi)


    [x] New York,United States
    [x] Latitude: 40.7143, Longitude: -74.006

  2. Replies
    1. Just tried the code and it is still working. What problems did you have?

  3. The benefit of this plan is that it can deal with a substantial number of addresses, in particular 4.3 billion myip info

  4. Various IP geolocation API services are providing free geolocation information, e.g:, IPStack, IP2Location, IP-API, DB-IP, IP info, etc. Each service has different features. You can select a service according to your demand.

    Among these services, You can easily find the geolocation information of an IP address freely by using provides 45000 free requests per month / 1500 per day.

    You can use it by following these simple steps:

    Just go to and signup here.
    Then sign in and select a free plan.
    After signing in, go to the Dashboard and copy the API key.
    Use this API key to locate the IP address.
    In order to find geolocation information about an IP address, pass it as a query parameter like below. Note that apiKey is also passed as a query parameter for authorization.

    # Get geolocation for an IPv4 IP Address =

    $ curl ''

    The JSON response will be as follows:


    "ip": "",

    "hostname": "http://google-public-dns-a.googl...",

    "continent_code": "NA",

    "continent_name": "North America",

    "country_code2": "US",

    "country_code3": "USA",

    "country_name": "United States",

    "country_capital": "Washington",

    "state_prov": "California",

    "district": "",

    "city": "Mountain View",

    "zipcode": "94043",

    "latitude": "37.4229",

    "longitude": "-122.085",

    "is_eu": false,

    "calling_code": "+1",

    "country_tld": ".us",

    "languages": "en-US,es-US,haw,fr",

    "country_flag": "


    "isp": "Level 3 Communications",

    "connection_type": "",

    "organization": "Google Inc.",

    "geoname_id": "5375480",

    "currency": {

    "code": "USD",

    "name": "US Dollar",

    "symbol": "$"


    "time_zone": {

    "name": "America/Los_Angeles",

    "offset": -8,

    "current_time": "2019-01-14 03:30:00.135-0800",

    "current_time_unix": 1547465400.135,

    "is_dst": false,

    "dst_savings": 1



    The geolocation information for an IP address from the IP Geolocation API can be retrieved in the following languages:

    English (en)
    German (de)
    Russian (ru)
    Japanese (ja)
    French (fr)
    Chinese Simplified (cn)
    Spanish (es)
    Czech (cs)
    Italian (it)
    Disclaimer: I am working for


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