Friday, 28 August 2015

How to install I2P on Ubuntu

Open a terminal and enter:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:i2p-maintainers/i2p

Update your repositories and install i2p:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install i2p

Start the I2P router (never as root):

i2prouter start

Configure your browser to connect through I2P. I'd recommend you to use Firefox.

Preferences --> Advanced --> Network tab.

In the Connections section, click on the Settings button. Click the circle next to Manual proxy configuration, enter, port 4444 in the HTTP Proxy field. Enter, port 4445 in the SSL Proxy field. Add localhost and into the "No Proxy for" box.


  1. I am testing also freenetproject, is seems similar to Tor, but without any central server to take down

  2. It has been really helpful! Thanks for this quick method of connecting your device to WiFi via single command.I am so happy to know this quick method.


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